Tips to Get Fairer Skin Home Remedies: In this article I will share with you my most effective Tips to Get Fairer Skin Home Remedies that work on me best.
Some of them you might have read in my other posts but there are new ones to whet your appetite as well.
Consume More Products Rich with Vitamin C
You cannot develop a healthy complexion naturally without consuming vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C.
The production of melanin in inhibited by periodic intake of vitamin C. Melanin itself is a pigment which makes a skin darker so vitamin C is a really helper here to get fair skin naturally.
In addition, vitamin C is also needed in antioxidant protection and for the synthesis of collagen.
Proper Diet
A properly balanced diet helps our body to keep unpolluted.
Fruits and vegetables consist of lots of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.
Water moisturizes the skin and gives it a smooth and a natural healthy glow.
So please do not forget to drink water in order to get fair skin naturally. Stay away from fried, sweet, salty or unnatural foods.
It is usually difficult to digest these types of food and it also causes faster aging of your body and skin.
Stay out of the Sun
The UV rays of the sun will always make harm to the skin and the sun is more aggressive nowadays.
Ozone shield gives us protection by absorbing intense and harmful solar radiation but it becomes thinner each year and the protection get weaker.
So to protect us from the affect of sun rays our bodies produces melanin and this causes our skin to become darker.
In case you have to stay in the sun for a long period of time make sure you use a good quality sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
The sunscreen will prevent the risk of burning.
Tips to Get Fairer Skin Home Remedies
Make Some Homemade Remedies
You should apply remedies made on your own at home to achieve the best results.
There are lots of fruits and vegetables you can make remedies from to lighten your complexion.
They are lemon juice, milk, Aloe Vera, apple cider vinegar, Castor oil, papaya, buttermilk etc.
Yogurt and Milk is Here to Help You
Make a facial mask from yogurt. Products from milk are natural remedies to whiten your skin.
A bath of milk was the Cleopatra’s best kept secret of her silky skin and fair complexion.
So take advantage and wear facial masks from yogurt whenever you want for 15 minutes, then wash your face with cool milk.
Do you know anything about how to become fair naturally?
How often do you ask yourself what the main factors to the good complexion are?
How do you usually remove freckle, treat age spots, acne scars, other blemishes and etc?
Have you ever tried any skin remedies to lighten it to become fair naturally?
There must be hundreds of them to give your skin an even brighter look.
Before trying any of the products which might contain lots of doubtful ingredients give natural remedies and products a chance to make your skin brighter.
A word of caution. If you appear to have sensitive skin you should do a patch test first before any appliance of mixtures or products.
So here are my tips to become fair naturally
1. Take care of your skin and peel it off on a regular basis. Peeling helps your skin to regenerate itself faster and removes dead skin cells so giving the skin a brighter look.
Brown Sugar and Lemon to Get Fairer Skin
Make a natural scrub. You will need some brown sugar and a lemon. Squeeze a lemon and mix it with sugar and then add some olive oil.
Dampen your skin by applying the mixture and rubbing it gently. Then after all rinse your face.
Repeat the process weekly and soon you will notice your skin to have become fair naturally.
The mixture plays a role of a natural skin whitener.
Honey, Yogurt, Papaya and Eggs to Get Fairer Skin
2. If you want your face to look paler or un-tanned then make a mask from some honey, yogurt, papaya and egg and apply it to the skin every week.
Papaya is a natural remedy to make your face lighter. Egg is usually applied to tighten the skin.
Yogurt and honey can bring moisturizing effect to the skin.
To make a mask from these ingredients one should mix all of them together until it becomes thick and creamy essence.
Having applied the mask to the face leave it on for about a quarter of an hour. Then wash everything away with cool water.
Kojic Acid to Get Fairer Skin
3. Get a soap, skin lotion, skin cream or skin serum with kojic acid.
Kojic acid is mushroom extract is an extremely popular skin lightening treatment.
It is also a by-product in the fermentation process of malting rice, for use in the manufacturing of sake, the Japanese rice wine.
Kojic has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties as well. (Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kojic_acid). Apply strictly according to instructions for use.
Also you should try products with ingredients which can make your skin more fair. These are with the above mentioned papaya, cucumber, honey, etc.
Moisturize your Skin to Get Fairer Skin
4. Moisturize your skin before it gets dry. Drink lots of water.
Keep in mind that some component parts in skin-whitening even though they are natural might be drying and therefore vitamin E oil and Aloe Vera fits it perfectly for moisturizing your skin.
Cucumber and Lemon to Get Fairer Skin
5. Mix a cucumber with lemon of equal proportions and apply it on to your body.
This mixture moisturizes and bleaches your skin as well. Take a shower after 15 minutes to wash everything away.
Papaya to Get Fairer Skin
6. Another natural remedy to make your skin glow is to take a piece of papaya and rub the inner part on your face.
Give it some time to dry out and then as usual wash the face with cool water.
Take your time and arm with patience. Remember that all this requires you to maintain the routine to keep your skin fair, fresh and glowing.
Everything depends on how fair your skin you want.
It might take anywhere between from two months to two years to naturally fair your skin.
In case your skin became just mildly tanned a few months should be more than enough. “Tips to Get Fairer Skin Home Remedies”