Skin Discoloration and Skin Whitening: Most of us enjoy spending warm and beautiful days outside where the sun’s rays can beat down on us. Beaches are the ideal spots to hang out on hot summer days, and most people think having a tan is more attractive than being “pale”.
It’s no secret that the sun is a great source of Vitamin D (about 90%), which is needed to stay healthy. It’s actually recommended that we get at least 10-20 minutes of exposure to the sun per day.
However, getting too much sun throughout your life can lead to various health concerns. The biggest danger is obviously skin cancer, which is why UV ray protection via sun block is always recommended when being outside for extended periods of time.
But other less serious concerns include the formation of sun spots, brown age spots, and even the overall darkening of the skin. Other environmental factors can also add to these issues.
What Causes Skin Discoloration on the Face
What Causes Facial Skin Discoloration and How Do You Treat It?
Let’s be honest now, we all care about our appearance and how we look. As we get older, we all have to deal with the unwanted development of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin on and around your face.
Everyone develops these signs with age, but many choose to take measures in order to prolong their production.
But another aging sign that becomes visible for some people is facial skin discoloration. These areas of different pigmentation often form in spots that are a brownish color.
Thankfully though, there are things you can do to minimize the visibility of these discolored spots.
Skin Discoloration in Face
There’s a popular misconception that age spots and skin discoloration are caused by the lack of fat metabolism that naturally occurs as you get older.
It’s been said that this leads to the buildup of toxins in the body, which is what produces dark age spots or liver spots.
In fact, these areas of skin discoloration are often called “liver spots” because the liver is what’s responsible for metabolizing fat.
However, it’s been well documented and proven that these age spots are NOT caused by the reduced ability to metabolize fat.
The REAL cause of these unwanted aging signs is ultraviolet light. It’s also been shown that the production of melanin can naturally increase as we get older to a certain degree.
But it’s primarily the UV rays from the sun that cause most types of skin discoloration. When exposed to UV radiation, it stimulates the production of more melanin (which is the pigment in your skin that creates it’s color).
The more melanin that’s in your skin, the darker it becomes.
Age spots form when excess melanin starts to clump together in certain areas of the skin. It’s the high amounts of melanin that actually make the skin darker.
Most of these spots are completely harmless. However, if you notice a spot that is extremely dark, changes in size quickly, or one that does not have a regularly-shaped boarder, you should have it examined by a doctor IMMEDIATELY.
Skin Discoloration Remedy – Tips For Finding the Best Ones
Determining What Type of Skin Discoloration Remedies You Should Use
By the time you finish reading this, you’ll know EXACTLY which type of remedy for skin discoloration you should use to make your skin more vibrant and healthy-looking.
Whether you’ve developed unwanted brown age spots or the overall color of your complexion has become duller over the years, you don’t have to live with these changes that aging and the natural elements cause.
All you need is the right type of skin whitening treatment to restore your skin’s beauty and youthfulness!
Don’t forget to put on some sunscreen!
Well, it turns out that they kept constantly reminding you to do this for a good reason. We all already know that overexposure to the sun throughout your life can lead to skin cancer.
But when your skin is exposed to UV radiation, it also throws off the patterns of pigment-producing melanocytes in your skin.
Melanocytes are responsible for producing the skin pigment melanin, and these pigments are what determine the color of your skin along with the amount of blood flow going to the area.
If your skin is lighten than it usually is, it means that melanocytes are not producing enough melanin pigment. This is called hypopigmentation, and common examples of it are vitiligo and tinea vericolor.
But if you’re starting to notice brown age spots developing on your skin, or if it’s become much darker and duller that your natural skin color, your melanocytes are producing too much melanin pigment.
Dark age spots or liver spots are actually just high concentrations of melanin.
Melanin is always being produced by the skin. But since these pigments are one of your body’s main defenses against UV radiation, more of it is produced when you are constantly exposed to the sun (or even laying in a tanning bed).
Melanin simply absorbs UV rays to protect the rest of the skin from radiation and damage.
What’s the Best Way to Lighten the Skin and Reduce Skin Discoloration?
Some people choose to get chemical peels or have laser procedures done to get rid of brown age spots. However, these are very invasive methods that irritate the skin.
In fact, these methods purposely DAMAGE your skin so it peels off, leaving a whole new layer of skin at the surface. Sounds painful, doesn’t it? And get ready to wear sunscreen whenever you go outside because a new layer of skin burns very easily!
Skin Discoloration and Skin Whitening
As some point in your life, you may start to notice that your skin is not as vibrant and bright as it use to be. There are various skin discoloration treatments on the market today for making your skin whiter and brighter.
However, the safety of many of these products is often in question.
Some skin care companies choose to use specific ingredients that can harm the skin more than actually help it, so using caution when picking a skin discoloration treatment or skin whitening product is a MUST.