How does Skin Protect the Body: Skin is vital to your body and its overall functionality. Made up of a shallow outer layer, the epidermis, and a much thicker under layer, the dermis, your skin has numerous jobs to keep track of.
Though there are many other jobs the skin does, here are four functions of skin that are especially important.
The Skin as Protector
Skin is the natural fortification that stands between sensitive organs, such as your heart, and the outer world. Normally, millions of microorganisms live harmlessly in the air we breath and even directly on our skin.
Without this wall of skin, all manner of nasty creatures in the form of bacteria, virus, and pathogen could march into your body at will.
Sensational Skin
Skin is absolutely loaded with nerve endings.
Because of this, you are able to sense the difference between, for example, burning hot water in the shower and the freezing shock of the ocean during winter.
The sensation of touch also is attributed to your skin. Besides this, skin is the meter for pressure and vibration in the body.
Skin Maintains the Water Levels
One product of the outer layer of skin, also known as the epidermis, is a fibrous protein called keratin.
This, coupled with oil manufactured in the sebaceous glands, helps to maintain the level of water in our bodies so we do not drown in the rain and burn up in the sun.
The Color of Skin
Whether you are dark or light, your skin contains a pigment called melanin. Levels of melanin vary depending on the person.
If your skin is light, you have less melanin, and you have more melanin if your skin is naturally more tan.
The melanin in your skin is what protects you from ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The more sun you receive, the more melanin is produced to help protect you. “How does Skin Protect the Body”