Collagen Skin Care
Anyone who has done research on the skin’s makeup and structure has heard of collagen before.
It’s a crucial element of the skin, as it’s responsible for holding the skin together and maintaining it’s overall structure.
When it comes to keeping your skin youthful and age-free, it’s importance cannot be stressed enough.
Simply put the more of it that is available to your skin, the more firm and smooth it stays!
Unfortunately though, it’s unclear to many consumers what they should do in order to maintain high levels of collagen in their skin.
Science has really helped us learn a lot about collagen protein itself and its role in the skin. But it’s usually skin care companies that are “teaching” us about how to get more of it through their usually biased marketing tactics and strategies.
And it’s these “teachings” that lead people into making skin care purchases that they later regret making due to the lack of results that come about.
Every consumer of skin care products deserves to know the truth about collagen skin care. So let’s clarify once and for all why it’s so important to keep high levels of collagen protein in the skin.
Once you know the facts, it becomes obvious how you should go at maintaining a high collagen count in your skin (especially as you get older.)
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein (which is a biological polymer consisting of amino acids) that serves as the primary structural component of many connective tissues in the human body, including tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and the skin.
The skin’s middle layer (called the dermis) contains high amounts of collagen protein, and their fibers create a “mesh” that supports the skin’s mechanical strength, texture, and resilience.
To give you an idea as to how prevalent collagen is in the skin, it makes up over 30% of all the protein that’s present in your skin.
The highest amounts of collagen protein in the skin were present when we were children and young adults. This is when the collagen-producing skin cells called fibroblasts are working in their prime.
These cells replace damaged and broken collagen fibers (caused by things like UV radiation, smoking, and pollution) with new ones in order to maintain it’s firm structure.
But as you get older, the activity of these fibroblasts decrease and much less collagen protein is available to your skin.
This causes more and more gaps and irregularities to develop in the collagen mesh, making it easier for unwanted aging signs like wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin to form.
Top Natural Collagen Skin Repair Ingredients
If you’re like most women, you look in the mirror and want to reverse your wrinkles and sagging skin. Of course, you know the wrinkles are a natural part of getting older but why?
Here’s What Happens
The collagen that provides the skin with natural strength and resilience starts losing its ability to replenish these cells naturally. The result is the skin is no longer supple and it starts to sag and winkles.
Collagen protein and elastin is the key for a firm and youthful complexion. It’s collagen that provides your skin with that youthful “plumpness” and without it, your skin sags and you get those aged hollows in your cheeks.
That’s the bad news.
How to Increase Collagen in the Face
The good news is, you can find ingredients to perform collagen skin repair. These ingredients will boost your collagen output. Then, you’ll see younger, firmer looking skin.
When you select a natural collagen skin repair ingredient, the product should help the body replenish its own collagen and produce results that last a long time.