The Facts About Itchy Moles And Treatment: Every person is known to have at least one mole in their lives. Moles are overgrowths of the pigment cells of the skin which is called the melanocytes.
They appear in childhood and teenage years, but aren’t normally present at birth. It is common for a person to develop moles during their lives due to a variety of reasons.
Normal moles do not cause problems, but given the fact that there are those that suffer from itchy mole, it is very important to have it checked with your dermatologist.
The Facts About Itchy Moles
Suffering from an itchy mole can be occasional or regular suffering. If you find yourself suffering, remember not to panic or become anxious about it because it won’t help.
Since moles have become a blockbuster among the majority, people have started to look for things to do to prevent their moles from itching.
Causes Of Itchy Moles
If you experienced an itching experience in your moles, the first thing you do is to probably check a dermatologist. In some cases, an itchy mole can be a symptom of melanoma, which is a form of skin cancer.
But, you also have to consider some other factors that may cause your mole to itch. Are you currently using lotion that contains chemicals or fragrances that irritates your skin?
Do you use a new laundry detergent? Below are some reasons of itchy moles.
- Contact Dermatitis: Contact with irritating substances like chemicals or perfumes may cause skin irritation known as dermatitis.
- Allergic Reactions: Itching moles may occur due to allergic reactions. From bee stings to pollen, it provokes itchiness for those susceptible individuals. This is likely if the mole is directly exposed.
- Sunlight Exposure: After sun exposure, some moles develop an itch much like other skin that is burned or irritated. While itching may not be harmful, some itchy moles after the sun exposure may become cancerous.
- Melanoma: Unfortunately, an itchy mole can be cancerous called melanoma. It is one of the most dangerous skin cancer; early detection is necessary in treating this disease. As much as possible, your doctor needs to examine your mole if it is constantly itch or shows signs of melanoma, such as developing or expanding an irregular border.
- Unknown Causes: Some moles itch without known cause and are not even precancerous or cancerous lesions. If the irritation grows severe, removing moles might be the best remedy.
Not all itchy moles are cancerous. They may result from dermatitis, sun exposure or allergic reactions. Some moles may also itch for no reason.
But, you must have it checked with your medical professional to examine a mole that displays signs of being cancerous.
The Signs Of Itchy Moles Include ABCD
Changes in size, shape, color, or texture of an existing mole are the first signs of skin cancer. Most melanomas have a blue-black or black area.
Melanomas may also appear as new moles. It may look abnormal, very black, or unpleasant looking. If you have a concern or questions about your skin, see your doctor.
- Asymmetry – If you noticed a change of shape in your mole, then the mole should be checked.
- Border – If the mole’s borders are itchy and are changing in color and thickness, then a visit to the dermatologist or doctor is compulsory.
- Color – When it comes to checking for dangerous moles, changes in color is a huge indicator.
- Diameter – If the itchy mole begins to grow in length and width, it is a warning sign.
At some point, melanomas vary greatly in their appearance. But, most of them show all in the ABCD features. Some melanomas have also shown abnormalities or changes in only one or two ABCD features.
In an early stage, melanomas may be found when there are changes in existing mole. Newly formed fine scales also the common symptoms of melanoma. A more advanced melanoma shows massive changes in texture.
For example, it may become lumpy or hard. Melanomas are different from regular moles. Advanced tumors may ooze, bleed or itch. But melanomas do not cause pain.
The Facts About Itchy Moles, Diagnosis and Treatment
A routine checkup like skin examination is done by a healthcare provider. People can also check their own skin for other changes, such as a change in a mole.
But, when you notice some changes, you should be referred to a doctor who specializes in skin diseases. If it has not deeply invaded and has a thin appearance, melanoma can be cured.
Unfortunately, it can be deadly if it is not removed in early stages. Take note that the growth movement of cancer cells is downward, starting from the skin’s surface and attack the healthy tissues.
When it becomes deep and thick, the disease spreads to other body parts and becomes uncontrollable. People who had a melanoma once will have a higher risk of developing a new melanoma.
Therefore, it is n utmost priority to check their skin regularly by a health care provider.
The Facts About Itchy Moles, Preventing cancerous moles
While some people believe that skin cancer is hereditary, professionals believe that skin cancer is a result brought by a variety of reasons.
Therefore, it is a must to prevent it rather than give a chance to spread it. To avoid itchy moles, you should avoid too much sun exposures by protecting the skin by wearing SPF lotions upon going outdoors.
The hands, face, eyes and legs should also be protected. The risk of developing skin cancer is higher in people who constantly work outdoors.
As a precaution, you should wear sunglasses to protect the eyes, provide caps or hats for the heads and if possible, long sleeved apparel for the hands. If you are working outdoors, wear long pants.
Since you are presented with facts and information about itchy moles, take note that one should be aware of the signs and symptoms of skin cancer for early detection, and one should also know the possible causes aside of skin cancer.
Do not be afraid because no matter what you do, it can’t change the fact that prevention is better than cure. The Facts About Itchy Moles