Being a toddler means learning more from your environment. As an adult, you know your toddlers are at risk of different health conditions.
At least once, the toddler will experience flu, cold, measles and the chickenpox. A person who has had experience chicken pox can verify how irritating this condition is.
We never wish to experience all the itchiness, but we will have to go through it as it appears inevitable.
What Is Chicken Pox? And Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers
Chicken pox is contagious. Also known as Varicella, it is a virus that causes infection. It affects kids with ages from five to ten – but it is possible for children to get infected if they have never had it before.
But, kids already having it are more likely to get the immunity. Still, there are different events in which the immune system of the person cannot withdraw the virus completely because they are hiding on the sensory nerve cells and the immune system was not able to find it.
Upon the release of the virus, it travels the whole nerve fiber and generates a painful rash called shingles.
Chicken Pox Common Symptoms In Toddlers
Before the rash appears, the toddler may experience a flu-like symptoms including:
- High fever with a temperature of 38ºC
- Painful muscles
- Headache
- Feeling sick
- Loss of appetite
- Generally unwell feeling
Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers: Chickenpox Spots
After the flu-like symptoms, spots will appear:
- On the face
- Over the scalp
- Behind the ears
- Under the arms
- On the legs and arms
- On the belly and chest
- Inside mouth and ears
- Palms of the hands
- Soles of the feet
- Inside nappy area
Some rash starts as itchy and small red spots. The 12 to 14 hours of the spots will develop a blister and become strongly itchy.
Afterwards, the blisters’ fluid becomes dull and starts to crust over. One or two weeks after, the crust will naturally fall off.
After the rash appearance, new spots will keep on appearing for 3 to 5 days after the rash begins.
Chicken Pox Unusual Symptoms In Toddlers
Simply by resting, most healthy toddlers recover from chickenpox without experiencing ill-effects just as with a flu or cold. Unfortunately, some children experience more severe symptoms than usual. If it happens, call a doctor right away.
- The skin surrounding blisters becomes painful and red
- If the child experience chest pain or difficulty in breathing
Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers And Treatment Options
Vaccines: Most people think that vaccines will protect their youngster from getting the infection. It is not true. Instead, it lessens the symptoms and boosts up their immune system to push the virus easily and rapidly.
Cases of chicken pox dropped rapidly when the vaccine came into use. It is a necessity for all children below 10 years old to get vaccinated since they belong to the group where chickenpox is the most vulnerable.
On the other hand, young adults beyond that age are more likely to get the virus at a more severe condition. If your toddlers have been immunized, he or she may still get the infection at a mild condition.
If the kids are afflicted with eczema or sunburn, the infection worsens as it develops more blisters. Severe complications may also harm kids who have earlier taken steroids.
Home Remedies – Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers: Some minors who have chickenpox can be treated through home remedies. To relieve the itchiness and pain from the blisters, consider a cold compress and place it gently on the parts where the blisters are worsen.
You have probably heard of calamine lotion to be placed on each blister, consider this one as it helps heal your blister faster and relaxes the itching. Benadryl lotion must not be used.
Cool water baths with baking soda should be given to your kid every four hours as it assists them from scratching and reliving the itch. Instead of the traditional baking soda, Aveeno oatmeal bath are used as it has proven to be safer.
Apparels – Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers: Toddlers should wear mittens because chickenpox is itchy, and this helps to keep them from scratching the blisters.
Take note that nails should be cut down as to avoid injury to blisters. Scratching and scraping the blisters may cause infection and prolong the healing process.
Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers And Medications: Fever comes without any surprises as there are inflammations involved. Any fever is treated with Tylenol or ibuprofen and take note that all medicines taken should not contain any aspirin as it cause Reye syndrome.
It is common for the toddlers to have blisters inside the mouth. But it is not a hindrance for them to drink anything. In fact, doctors are encouraging toddlers with chickenpox to keep hydrated as to prevent dehydration, which will worsen the condition.
Give them smoothies and milk shakes for easier swallowing. Antihistamine-containing drugs are also used to administer in company with the prescribed lotions to contain itchiness.
To boost immunization, the doctors usually prescribe anti-viral drugs when the first sure sign of infection appears. Household members who come in contact with the patient frequently should also consider getting the anti-viral drugs.
When this is done properly, accurately and promptly, the chances of preventing the disease are high. Not like other vaccines, this vaccine does not require boosters.
But, with proper medical advice, adolescents may take larger doses of the vaccine to protect themselves shingles or herpes zoster.
Chicken Pox Symptoms In Toddlers And Prevention
Persons infected should be avoided as much as possible. Even those who have just taken the vaccination should be avoided. There are ways by which the virus gets transmitted.
They include direct contact, droplet transmission and airborne transmission. The chickenpox infection can be spread through respiratory droplets like sneezing or coughing from someone who is infected.
Research shows that people who are exposed will acquire the infection 90%. For the symptoms to show, it take up to fourteen days. The infection causes a small rash and blisters filled with liquid. In time, it will break and scab over.
As you can see, chicken pox symptoms in toddlers are many. Just like for adults, the locations will vary. Some children did not experience chickenpox inside mouth, while other experienced it along with more severe symptoms.
Since vaccination has been used worldwide, it is worthwhile to come check with your doctor and avail vaccination as soon as possible.