Rosacea is a chronic inflammation of the nose, chin, cheeks, forehead, or eyelids.
Rosacea may cause redness, swelling, hyperplasia (increase in size of the tissue), vascularity (increased prominence of the blood vessels), or skin eruptions similar to acne.
Along with Rosacea, 85% of Rosacea Sufferers have Acne. 35% of Rosacea Sufferers have Seborrheic Dermatitis. For most, finding the right rosacea treatment is difficult and can be expensive.
Rosacea Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Rosacea flare-ups can be brought on by the many activities that we do each day. Sunlight, stress, alcohol, allergies, spicey foods, and extreme hot or cold weather are some of the things that effect and aggravate rosacea.
Rosacea Causes
What is the Cause of Rosacea? It’s hereditary… Rosacea usually begins with frequent flushing of the face, particularly the nose and cheeks.
This facial flushing is caused by the swelling of the blood vessels under the skin. This “red mask” can serve as a flag for attention.
Telangiectasis, characterized by the visible presence of capillaries, is bright red in color. Diffuse redness frequently precedes the appearance of telangiectasis and is a constant flushed appearance.
Rosacea Symptoms
One of the most common Symptoms of Rosacea is flushing. There are many types of flushing which include:
- Systemic Flushing: brought on by the body’s normal cycle of temperature – usually systemic flushing will occur in the evenings when the body is at it’s hottest temperature.
- Adrenaline Flushing: most commonly caused by stress, the body introduces adrenaline to increase alertness and/or prepare the body to react to certain extreme situations.
- Exercise Flushing: exercising is healthy, but will cause the body to have an increased heart beat and blood pressure. Exercise should be done in cooler conditions to help keep the body temperature normal.
- Cigarette Flushing: smoking is a vascular dilator which depletes the skin of vitamin C (essential for the formation of collagen), and creates a large amount of free radicals destroying the capillary structure. Smoking will deprive the skin of oxygen which is needed for proper cellular growth and maintenance.
- Alcohol Flushing: alcohol dehydrates the body which can lead to flushing and higher blood pressure.
Rosacea Treatment Options
Rosacea Treatments are typically tailored to the individual depending on the degree and Stage of Rosacea. Each individual case should be examined by a Licensed Dermatologist.
Some of the Different Rosacea Treatments are:
- Laser Treatment: a process where a laser is passed over the rosacea affected areas and either removing the top skin layer or exciting the lower skin layers causing the skin to regrow / regenerate. Anywhere from 3 to 30 treatments may be necessary.
- Topical Treatments: most rosacea sufferers will use a topical rosacea treatment either in form of a cream or lotion, or a solid bar. Some of the topical treatments are great for people who are looking for a natural treatment for rosacea. Most of the natural creams and bars use minerals and salts to help improve the condition of rosacea.
- Steroid Treatments: most of the steriod treatments are topical in nature in the form of hydrocortisone. These should not be used long term as they weaken the skin and can cause irretation over long periods of use. Most doctors will not suggest or perscribe steriod based treatments for rosacea sufferers.
Diet and Lifestyle will Help in Treating Rosacea
As part of any rosacea treatment regiment, a healthy lifestyle should be followed. The human body is mostly liquid.
Most of us do not feed our body the amounts of water it needs. 8 to 12 glasses of water a day will greatly improve the bodies normal functions.
The hypothalamus is the body’s thermostat which regulates temperature, but it cannot achieve this objective without adequate water.
The body is approximately 70% water while the eye is approximately 96% water. Water is needed for skin tissue repair, efficient digestion, absorption, circulation and secretion.
Water carries nutrients to the skin and body cells and removes waste from the cell. Water also moistens the skin, greatly reducing clogged pores.
Most importantly, water helps relieve stress during the day and relaxes the body for sleep.
How to Get Rid of Rosacea Naturally
It is important to treat the rosacea in as many ways as possible: those who modify their lifestyles, eating habits and reduce their level of stress often experience a much greater degree of rosacea clearing.
Some of the Different Lifestyle Changes, as Part of Your Rosacea Treatment, are:
- Drink More Water: drink at least 8 – eight ounce glasses of water each day. Drink more if you work outside, or are in hotter conditions.
- Avoid Stress: as much as you can, stay away from stressful situations. Take a time out during the day to help relieve stress.
- Stay away from Stimulants: avoid coffee, cigarettes, sweets, and especially soda. Excess sugars and stimulants raise blood pressure and are very acidic.
- Minimize Alcohol Intake: alcohol pushes water out of your body’s cells causing dehydration.
- Take Cooler Baths / Showers: hot baths may feel good, but can damage sking. It also will warm the body temperature which raises blood pressure. Take cooler showers and baths where the temperature of the water is closer to the body’s normal temperature of 98.6 degrees.
- Watch Food Intake: watch what types of food you eat. Spicy foods, fast foods, candy, etc. are not healthy to consume. We are what we eat. A healthier, less acidic diet will help in many ways.
- Exercise: when exercising, do so in a cool environment. Swimming is a great activity and usually is in water well below our body temperatures. Chlorine treated pools are better than Bromide treated.
- Stay out of the Sun: the sun dries out the skin and can burn the skin. Try to stay out of the sun or use a SPF 40 or higher sun block when outside.
So many things can affect rosacea – but not everything may affect YOUR Rosacea. The key is to find what triggers your rosacea so that you may control your situation in the best way possible.
This Article Was About >> Rosacea Causes, Symptoms and Treatment