How to Reduce Puffy Eyes: Using home remedies can be an effective way to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes. Puffiness is a common problem that affects literally millions of people each day.
There are lots things which cause this problem such as lack of sleep, smoking, poor lifestyles etc.
When searching how to reduce puffiness you’ll find lots of methods to do so. Many of those results provide great information on certain approaches.
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However, we’ll be showing you 5 effective remedies which reduces puffy eyes.
Before we begin, you might be wondering why you should use remedies in the first place.
Below are a few reasons why.
- It’s cheap
- Can be effective
- No side effects
- And can most items that you’ll need can be found in your house
Below are the top 5 home remedies which you can use.
Water – This is probably the easiest way to reduce puffiness among’st your eyes. You should aim to drink 8 glasses of water per day.
Try to keep your body hydrated as this can help lessen the chance of water retention in your eyelids. It also helps wash our bad toxins. Try to avoid drinking coffee, soft drinks and other liquids.
Cucumbers – The enzymes and astringent properties within the vegetable can help reduce inflammation. Simply cut a cucumber into slices and leave it in your fridge to become cold.
After its cold, place the slices on top of your eyes until it’s warm. Try to repeat the process a few times a day.
Egg White – Egg whites can give relief to your eyes and also help prevent wrinkles. Take 2 eggs and break them into a bowl.
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Remove the yolk and keep mixing the leftovers until it is thick. Add some honey into it and then rub the mix around your eyes.
Cold Spoons – Take a few spoons and place them into the freezer overnight. In the morning grab 2 out and place it on top of your eyelids.
Once the spoon is warm, grab the others in the freezer and place it on the eyelids again. Do this process a few times a day.
Tea Bags – Tea bags whether it be green or black contain anti-oxidant properties. Soak the bags in some warm water and let it cool down.
Once it is warm place them over the puffiness for about 15 minutes. This will allow it to settle down.
As you can see most of the items that you need can be found around your home. Like come on, who doesn’t have spoons?
This Article Was About : How to Reduce Puffy Eyes with Home Remedies